April 17 to 21, 2024
Teatro Galli – Foyer
FABRICA is an investigation of the bodies of work, an archive of gestures and memories returned to the gaze through images, sounds and the body on stage. A dynamic, performative archive made of practices that difficult to harness in schemes, in cataloguing grids. An anachronic archive where epochs mix with temporal leaps, it is geography rather than history. It is, by its very nature, an anarchic archive: an anarchive. The word archive originates from the Greek archè (meaning antiquity, principle, but also authority, government), and the process linked to the ELP project – of which FABRICA is a part – overturns its sense, precisely because of its de-hierarchising nature, its openness to the free circulation and sharing of materials without ties to their original principle.
ANARCHIVIO FABRICA is a space to stop, look, read, talk and listen.
concept Paola Bianchi and Stefano Murgia
sound and video editing Stefano Murgia
created for the Ambienti Section of Teatri di Vetro 17
FABRICA is supported by Fabrique Autonome des Acteurs (FR), Teatri di Vetro Festival, Caracol Olol Jackson, Teatro Akropolis, Teatro Galli _ Rimini, Ipercorpo Festival, Danae Festival, KOMM TANZ/PASSO NORD art residencies project of Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni, AAMOD
production PinDoc
Free entry