Vibrant Bodies. Somatic Seas and Visionary Currents


April 19, 2024
h. 16:30
Teatro Galli – Sala della Musica



The workshop develops from reflections on the relationship between the aquatic universe, spirituality and some forms of socio-political resistance related to Black feminism. Then, it turns to a somatic practice, addressing the body and its ability to create new spaces. Water becomes a bridge between historical memory and speculation on the future through the generative and imaginative possibilities that artistic practices give us.
The workshop will circulate various materials related to the research, and it will propose the crossing of a somatic practice that “shakes the waters” in our tissues and imagination, addressing the movements of shaking, bubbling, bouncing and their rhythm, initiating an ecstatic dance session that hints at trance.
Swaying, oscillating around the centre, vibrating with desire, rattling, shaking off, jumping in surprise, moving in a damp cave, a space of yearning that revitalizes bodies and visions.



Valerie Tameu is an author and performer. She graduated in dance studies from the faculty of Cinema, Performing Arts, Music and Media in Turin, trained with various Italian and international teachers and attended the Modem courses at the choreographic centre Scenario Pubblico.
Simultaneously, she conducted creative and research projects with various Italian institutions.
In 2021, she created the performance project “Bolo”, curated by the Sineglossa association and PFW Festival. In 2022, she authored the performance “Metabolo”, curated by Sineglossa, and in 2023 “Dove hanno tremato le Placche”, a performance co-produced by SPAZIO GRIOT and Polo del 900.
She won Centrale Fies’ Agitu Ideo Gudeta Fellowship vol. 3.
Her workshops have been hosted by festivals such as Interazioni 2022 (RM), Twiza 2023 (MI) and How to Decolonize Contemporary Dance 2023 (MI).
Tameu’s artistic practice creatively con-fuses corporeality, ideas, emersions and hallucinations. Her research investigates the relationship between performance and identity, memories and imagination.



Practice by Valerie Tameu
Workshop version of the performance project “Metabolo”
curated and produced by Sineglossa within FOOD DATA DIGESTION
with the support of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo — as part of the ART-WAVES call.
The workshop was hostel by Lavanderia a Vapore in 2023 as part of “Evening School of Care”.






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€. 5,00



✦ Discover the site dedicated to the second edition of SUPERNOVA 2024 ✦ Work begins on MOTUS Archive and MOTUS House ✦ We won the prestigious Italian Council's call!