On stage NicoNote
Concept, dramaturgy, voice writing, sound project NicoNote
Music by NicoNote and reworkings freely from Robert Schumann, Henry Purcell, Franz Schubert, Tuxedomoon, Nirvana and others
Production Festival Letteratura Mantova 2023, NicoNote Dream Action in collaboration with Motus Vague
Distribution Alessandro ‘Nagni’ Gatto
Thanks to Luca Scarlini, Demetrio Cecchitelli, Monica Benvenuti, Alessandro della Casa

First performance Festival Letteratura, Mantua. September 7, 2023 Teatro Bibiena


Duration 50 minutes


Sound Performance for Voice, Poetry, Electronics with and by NicoNote
Sturm und Drang and freely drawn romantic crossing

The performance moves into the dimension of the unknown, the intangible, in the Sturm und Drang and Romantic flow, between sound, reading, singing. A door that opens to a world of poetic listening of a narrating, or rather singing, self that traverses a track made of sounds and words in parallel dimensions. A feeling of Central Europe and decline of the West, the expression of disorientation, a perception of “lost roots” dear to Romantic material. Friction between word sound and mood, a performative device that allows NicoNote to investigate the poetic text and its evocative value.
A look starting from a fragment and then opening to the impetuous feeling of a generation.
Ariseing from a quotation of a lyric by Hölderlin, the performance develops in successive crossings, between sound, reading, singing, with a landing to Schumann’s Dichterliebe Lieders passing through Kurt Cobain, Henry Purcell up to the texts written by NicoNote on evocative and romantic needlework, recalling Rilke, Goethe, Novalis and more.


NicoNote (It/A) artistic alias created in 1996 by Nicoletta Magalotti: Sound poetry artist, performer and singer, moving liquidly among genres and formats. SHE acts in the domains of music, theater, installations, clubbing with artistic productions and curatorial work. From the Italian new-wave with Violet Eves, Pier Vittorio Tondelli’s much-loved band, to the theater of Romeo Castellucci and Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio passing through the Morphine Club at Cocoricò with DJ David Love Calò, from Francesco Micheli’s musical theater to Storytelling with Luca Scarlini, NicoNote has dedicated herself side by side, realizing peculiar dramaturgies and sound performances.
Her vocal research synthesizes a peculiar path in musical and theatrical practice, through the ‘encounter with masters such as Gabriella Bartolomei, Yoshi Oida, Roy Hart Theatre, Akademia Ruchu, Tiziana Ghiglioni, Francois Tanguy, among others.
She has an intriguing discography since 1985 until today with music and theater tours throughout Europe, Canada, Israel, Argentina, Brazil. Her latest album entitled Limbo Session Vol I with producer Wang Inc. (Rizosfera, Rough Trade 2021) among the 10 best albums of the year for Blow Up magazine, is a project between voice, poetry and improvisation. She has released among others on labels such as: Music from Memory (NL), Mille Plateaux (D), DSPPR records (UK), Cinedelic (It), New Interplanetary Melodies (It) and others. She regularly gives masterclasses on vocality and collaborates with Tempo Reale Florence, Scuola Holden Turin. Syntonic is her monthly ahow on Radio Raheem.



✦ The dates for the third edition of SUPERNOVA have been announced ✦ Discover the site dedicated to the second edition of SUPERNOVA 2024 ✦ Work begins on MOTUS Archive and MOTUS House ✦ We won the prestigious Italian Council's call!